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Where would you go on vacation?


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You're mixing things up. Dubai is a country in the middle east. Atlantis is a resort in the Caribbean.
Speaking of Florida, I'm there now.


Active member
We spent a week on Bonaire back in December. While the shore diving was nice, I don't think I'd go back there. It's remarkably primitive.
We spent a month on Bonaire a few years back and like you said diving was great as for the rest of the Island it met our needs as our main goal was diving. If you get a chance check out Utilla. Amazing diving but much like a youth hostel type Island. We really enjoyed our stay there as we always rent a house and do all our own cooking.


New member
As I have mentioned earlier, I am travelling to Mexico. I have chalked out a whole travel route so far. But the thing is, I don't speak Spanish. I was looking multiple forums at came to know that They are basically Spanish-speaking people and around 90% of them speaks Spanish. https://www.statista.com/statistics/275440/languages-in-mexico and I am kinda worried about missing out on Certain details on the Mexico travel. So I have even talked with local guides of Mexico from https://gowithguide.com/mexico/guides They have assured me That It won't be a big of a deal. What's your take on this? Should I hire some local guide for my Mexico trip or continue on my own?


Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
SUPER Site Supporter
We spent a month on Bonaire a few years back and like you said diving was great as for the rest of the Island it met our needs as our main goal was diving. If you get a chance check out Utilla. Amazing diving but much like a youth hostel type Island. We really enjoyed our stay there as we always rent a house and do all our own cooking.
We're headed to Roatan in November. The last time we were there, we had a blast - we even visited Pigeon Key (and almost got stuck there when the boat wouldn't start). Hostel-like amenities are not for us. We want all the creature comforts of having our own place.


Well-known member
As I have mentioned earlier, I am travelling to Mexico. I have chalked out a whole travel route so far. But the thing is, I don't speak Spanish. I was looking multiple forums at came to know that They are basically Spanish-speaking people and around 90% of them speaks Spanish. https://www.statista.com/statistics/275440/languages-in-mexico and I am kinda worried about missing out on Certain details on the Mexico travel. So I have even talked with local guides of Mexico from https://gowithguide.com/mexico/guides They have assured me That It won't be a big of a deal. What's your take on this? Should I hire some local guide for my Mexico trip or continue on my own?

Been to Mexico many times, and it's rare that language has been a barrier. Many speak English, at least rudimentary English.


Active member
We're headed to Roatan in November. The last time we were there, we had a blast - we even visited Pigeon Key (and almost got stuck there when the boat wouldn't start). Hostel-like amenities are not for us. We want all the creature comforts of having our own place.
While in Roatan call Nuria @ Octopus Dive School. She runs a top notch outfit with lots of returning clients. Her equipment is top notch and a real beautiful person


Active member
I have no desire to leave the US personally. I find that anything I want to see is right here and for the most part, I'm a homebody :D


Well-known member
'overseas' travel has the major good/bad difference of experiencing other cultures - presuming:
(a) you're not on a "If it's Tuesday, this must be Belgium" style "tour"
(b) you are open / adapt / adjust to "new things"
. . . . and that can result in good stuff or not-so-good stuff. depends.....

personally, I/we have been to Stavanger (Norway) to Tunis (Tunisia) - the only country west of 'the old Iron Curtain' I've missed is Portugal.
fascinating places to go and see - especially if one is a history buff.
in our retirement however it's much easier/satisfying to see the parts of USA we haven't, yet . . .

good / bad????
one of the most ludicrous 'scenes' I ever witnessed . . . Salzburg . . . main street cafe . . . prime tourist area . . . hen party of six American women - presumable dumped there by their tour host just so the host could get away for some peace and quiet . . . loud complaints about the hotels . . . their main complaint . . . how to flush a toilet is different in every hotel . . . loud complaints, creating a scene level complaining . . .
these are people who should not travel overseas.
Stavanger was a lovely place to visit, but Bergen was even better! 😊 I felt so relaxed and happy there, like I didn’t have a care in the world. It’s a shame that I missed the chance to see the Northern Lights on my trip 🥺 I hope to go back to Norway someday and witness those amazing lights in the sky.