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Everyone working on their taxes?


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Had our corp taxes completed (professionally) and filed/mailed.

Just completed our personal fed and state using TurboTax. E-filed the fed, need to mail state. Need to work on local.

This is seriously painful watching all our money go to the government. Although I was closer then last year, I'll still be writing 4-figure checks. Grrrr.

Danang Sailor

nullius in verba
GOLD Site Supporter
Had our corp taxes completed (professionally) and filed/mailed.

Just completed our personal fed and state using TurboTax. E-filed the fed, need to mail state. Need to work on local.

This is seriously painful watching all our money go to the government. Although I was closer then last year, I'll still be writing 4-figure checks. Grrrr.

Ours has been done, but not filed, since February 2nd. Since we owe, filing will be at the last minute; they won't get the
rest of our money even a minute sooner the necessary. :ermm:



Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
Have not filed for 3 years. Tax lady says my income is so low I don't need to. It ain't like the banks are paying much interest.:whistling:


New member
Oh yeah. We just got the amount we owe. We will send a check on April 15.

Too bad the government will just irresponsibly blow it.


New member
TurboTax is pretty cool. Use it for some fairly complicated 20-page Schedule E's with profit/loss, translating from bank accounts. It is almost stupid-proof, and for $74.50, that ain't bad.


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Ditto that ditto.

My wife does our taxes. She won't let me near them. She's terrified that if I get involved we're going to end up in jail. She does them, hands them over to the accountant to check and file.

We're retired and both on Social Security. How in the name of heaven can we owe them a substantial 4-figure sum? Maybe she should let me do them next year. They'll be so busy chasing Obamacare frauds they won't have any time to bother with little old me.


Gone But Not Forgotten
SUPER Site Supporter
Tax time .... I hate it . This is the time of year I bang my fist and always say " Thats it ! I am done . I am moving to Panama !!!" .Ever notice how we work harder every year to stay even ??? WTF is that all about ???

Maybe this year I will move !!!!:clap:


Active member
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Got 4 retirement accounts .....mom has it figured to a nats ass....what we hold out of each one ..so that on the end of jan each year she dose the taxes a d sends them off..we usely owe 25 or 30 bucks to state and feds and we are done...Im in the same boat as ETF...only thing I get to do is sign the papers......mom says she has to do the taxes....so it is only fair that if there is a problem...I should do the time!!!!!!!!


Bronze Member
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while i always owe, the economy is such that i owe less this year,of coarse i made less and have had to tighten the belt,if it gets any slower they won't have to worry about getting money from me....... where is my bail out?


Well-known member
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" Thats it ! I am done . I am moving to Panama !!!" .Ever notice how we work harder every year to stay even ??? WTF is that all about ???

Maybe this year I will move !!!!:clap:

It ain't going to help Al. As an American citizen, you're still liable for taxes. Living in Panama, you're going to pay Panamanian taxes. Give up your citizenship and move you assets out of the country, your going to pay a withdrawal tax. They got you by the short and curleys no matter what you do. :sad::sad::sad:


'lil yinzer~
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my Mum's career is dealing w/ finances. i therefore have a personal consultant that knows her stuff & explains taxes to me.


Active member
DH has been working on them for the last couple of days. The dining room table is covered and so is the floor. Thank God for TV trays.


Spock and Galvatron < one and the same
mine had to be in and paid 2 months back and i did it like i have the past 10 years....creative accounting just like my government would do and as done to fuck the UK.:hammer::hammer::hammer:


New member
Why Bother all the GOVT will do is take your money and give it to china or waste it on studies like why does a scrotum have hair on it..


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
OMFG! Only on Ff can a discussion on taxes turn into scrotum hairs and blowjobs!:yum::yum::yum: DS started it!


Super Moderator
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I was going to say that Mrs. Zoom is now finished but now have to qualify it to say "with taxes".


Super Moderator
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Phew, just finished my taxes. E-filed Fed and Local, the Mrs will take the State to the Post Office today or tomorrow.
I thought they would get easier/faster once we retired. Sure doesn't seem like it. (It did take me a bit long because I now also do the kids taxes).


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Not yet!
But I’ve been thinking about them :bolt:


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My wife does ours. She's got 3 years accounting degree and works for the CRA which is the cannuck equivalent of the irs in the states so she knows all the tricks. With me being on permanent disability there's all kinds of credits available. She sits down with both our information and does comparisons on who will claim the kids etc as our youngest daughter also qualifies for a bunch of disability credits due to severe adhd and a few other issues. She works her magic and we always end up with a sizable return which covers our summer camp annual rental fees and allows my wife to take 2 months off work in the summer. (As a government employee, they are entitled to take blocks of time off called "leave without pay" for a minimum of 3 week blocks)