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Elon Musk says he has a "Plan B" for Twitter if they refuse to sell him the company


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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At the Daily Wire they are reporting that, self proclaimed free speech advocate, Elon Musk has a back up plan.

Twitter is famous for banning conservative voices, for having serious issues with double standards that allow liberals to say things that conservatives are forbidden from saying. They also have a habit of promoting certain voices while "shadow banning" tweets from some conservatives. Shadow bans don't actually censor the speech, but they can dramatically reduce distribution of some content, typically from conservative speakers.

Musk's actions may have a huge impact on other companies as well. Should Musk take over Twitter and open up its platform it is possible that other social media platforms like PARLOR could become unnecessary and go out of business.

Full article is at the link --> https://www.dailywire.com/news/musk...-twitter-rejects-his-offer-to-buy-the-company

Musk Reveals During TED Talk That ‘There Is’ A ‘Plan B’ If Twitter Rejects His Offer To Buy The Company

Ryan SaavedraApr 14, 2022
Elon Musk revealed during a TED Talk on Thursday afternoon that he has a backup plan if Twitter rejects his bid to buy the company.
“If in this case you are not successful in that the board does not accept your offer, you’ve said you won’t go higher, is there a plan B?” Musk was asked.
“There is,” Musk responded while smiling.
When asked what his backup plan is, Musk said he would discuss that at another time.
“I think it’s very important for there to be an inclusive arena for free speech,” Musk said during the event. “Twitter has become kind of the de facto town square, so it’s really important that people have both the reality and perception that they’re able to speak freely within the bounds of the law.”
. . .
“It’s important to the function of democracy, it’s important to the function of the United States as a free country and many other countries, and to help freedom in the world more broadly than in the U.S.,” Musk said. “Civilizational risk is decreased the more we can increase the trust of Twitter as a public platform, and so I do think this will be somewhat painful.”
“My strong intuitive sense is that having a public platform that is maximally trusted and broadly inclusive is extremely important to the future of civilization,” Musk said. “I don’t care about the economics at all.”
. . .
Musk added that a good sign as to whether or not free speech exists is if someone is allowed to say something that you do not like.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Musk added that a good sign as to whether or not free speech exists is if someone is allowed to say something that you do not like.

That is something from Elon's comments that I do like.

300 H and H

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I bet the board of Twitter had Jeff Bazos on the phone wondering if he would save them from Elon!! :yankchain:
Elon and Jeff don't get along to well..... :nono2:


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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I just caught a blurb where Trump said he would not return to Twitter is Musk buys it.
I'm probably not up on all the details.
Musk is a self proclaimed SOCIALIST who loves to use other people's money, often in the form of government subsidies and grants. But he also has a penchant for free speech and business, both of which endear him to some conservatives. Musk does a lot of good stuff but he should not be trusted. My guess is that is what Trump is pointing out with his reluctance to return to Twitter.

300 H and H

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Musk is a self proclaimed SOCIALIST

Elon is a Libertarian.... ;)

And he has said so. He is...
one of your own lol. :pat:

He likes to piss off liberals and Conservatives. Ummmm who else do we know who claims this same talent? :unsure:

As for Government grants and E.V. credits, Elon has done what any SMART business man would do. he broke no laws and harmed no one. In fact he has made those who believe in his vision a lot of money. And this is just the beginning of what he will do for stockholders.
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Bottoms Up
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I cannot imagine Twitter or any site with totally free speech. Once someone is censored it's no longer free speech. If no one is censored then folks get into mean name calling uncivil shouting matches.
Does anyone believe twitter would allow anyone to say anything they want without restrictions?


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Screen Shot 2022-04-15 at 6.37.43 AM.png

300 H and H

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"just not the kind that shifts resources from the most productive to the least productive"

Sound like a true socialist? I think not.
Elon is making a point here, as he is a capitalist working in a world were the left is in control.
What he said in this tweet is NOT socialism, in fact it flies in the face of Socialism.

Elon is in fact not a Democrat or a Republican. He is much more of a libertarian.


Bottoms Up
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I found this interesting.

The rollercoaster rise of Elon Musk: Billionaire Tesla founder left behind troubled South African childhood with an 'evil' father to become world's richest man and father of SEVEN kids with two women - as he launches $41.3BN Twitter takeover bid​

  • Musk, 50, is attempting to expand his booming business; the SpaceX founder announced on Wednesday that he wanted to buy Twitter for $41.39 billion
  • It's been reported that Twitter's board of directors is meeting on Thursday afternoon to discuss Musk's historic bid and 'carefully review the proposal'
  • According to Bloomberg, Musk is currently the wealthiest person in the world - with a net worth of around $260 billion
  • But how did Musk go from a nerdy child living in South Africa with an absentee mother and emotionally abusive father to the richest man on Earth?
  • Musk didn't have the easiest childhood - he was severely bullied by his classmates and struggled to find the funds to move to America as a teen
  • Against all odds, he made it to the U.S.- through scholarships, loans, and working two jobs simultaneously - where his business took off and prospered
  • But not without more hardship - after launching his first company in 1995, Musk became homeless and had to sleep on the couch in his office
  • As he gears up to potentially purchase Twitter and expand is already-enormous list of business ventures, FEMAIL has taken a look back at his career

PUBLISHED: 16:21 EDT, 14 April 2022 | UPDATED: 07:11 EDT, 15 April 2022


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I think there are a lot of people out there who are just plain jealous of Elon and what he has accomplished.
The same can be said of Donald Trump.

I find it revealing how many feel this way about people who accomplish great things,.
I agree. They don't want to give them credit for working their rear ends off and paying taxes for them to sit around doing nothing!


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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I agree. They don't want to give them credit for working their rear ends off and paying taxes for them to sit around doing nothing!

Musk can and should be admired as a role model for hard work

Too many of our young/college & 30-something people seem to think that his money should be taxed and given to them, without any logical reason as to why they are entitled to his earnings from his effort

But back to the topic, the funny think is that the leftists view of Musk taking over Twitter is they think that censorship is better than free speech and they fear a platform that actually encourages free speech.
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Well-known member
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But back to the topic, the funny think is that the leftists view of Musk taking over Twitter is they think that censorship is better than free speech and they fear a platform that actually encourages free speech.
Yep. And also worried that President Trump will have a foot in the door too.


Proudly Deplorable
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I think at this time a majority of voters would welcome some mean tweets!!
I think we would all like a President we can understand. With Biden's gibberish as a comparison, no matter how mean THE Donals's words may have been, we the people knew exactly what he meant.

And his words were never aimed at us.

The only other President, in my lifetime, to say it as it was, would be "give them hell" Harry S Truman. Arguably amoung the best Presidents our nation has enjoyed.

300 H and H

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But back to the topic, the funny think is that the leftists view of Musk taking over Twitter is they think that censorship is better than free speech and they fear a platform that actually encourages free speech.
As Saul Alyinski taught in rules for radicals.
Blame the other side for what it is your doing.
Classic case. This is the number one rule of those in rules for radicals the Democrats and China are using against the American people.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Twitter's board adopted a poison pill in an attempt to prevent a takeover of the company. Musk responded.

“They would rather self-immolate than give up their censorship programs. This shows you how deeply committed they are to Orwellian control of the narratives and global discourse. Scary.” - Elon Musk
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300 H and H

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See the new post in the private investment forum. "Elon's secret plan for Twitter"
It may be Elon has a diabolical plan to take over Twitter.... :punk: :thumbup:
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He bought twitter and now question, what he's going to do with it, very interesting. I think will be some radical changes


Bronze Member
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I'm hoping Musk buys the ATF
And makes the best convenience store that has Alcohol Tabaco and Firearms in one store !