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Can you find the cat?


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
I have not ...yet.


  • find01.jpg
    72 KB · Views: 381


Well-known member
I don't see the damned cat.
I'm not looking for the damned cat.
And if the damned cat doesn't come home, I don't care.



Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
You can't see the damned cat and you know it.

It's probably dead in the bucket.:bolt:

If it's not dead and in the bucket the little bugger soon will be. I can't see no damn cat.

Oh wait. The pussy is hiding behind the apron and blue dress.


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
Thank you for that sideways view Pirate_Girl!! (I saw the kitty finally)

With PG's help I eventually found the cat 6 months ago. Today I had to stare at it for a couple of minutes again before my brain could sift through all the debris in there and find the file titled "freekin' cat" and there it was.