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What are you doing today, II


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Recovering from my weekend....aka....dragging a$$. I did make a couple trips to the city to drive my daughter to and from school. We're in a severe weather advisory now. Our area went from draught conditions to flooding in 24 hrs.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Working on cleaning the swimming pool.

Water is clear, but the initial shock treatment caused all the tiny algae and debris in the water to die and fall to the bottom of the pool. So the vacuum project began yesterday morning. Endless cycle of vacuum until the filter clogs, swap the filter for a clean one, vacuum, swap, vacuum, swap. Of course I have to take breaks to clean filters with the power washer. So loads of fun.

Buy a pool they said, the kids can clean it. Sure. Sure. Sure they will.

We also had Dasha and her 'real' family at our home yesterday from early afternoon until late evening. Very nice visit. Dasha showed them her bedroom, he medals, 'our' family photos, etc. Dasha has not been able to see her mom or 2 sisters in 3 years due to the war, visa and passport problems, etc. She has been with us for 6 years.

Chicago is supposed to get heavy rain today and Dasha had plans to take all of them to the zoo. They may change that to the planetarium or other museum. Rain up in the city may miss our home, as we are an hour south and the storm seems to be tracking northeast.

I resumed pool cleaning again this morning. Probably doing that on-and-off most of the day today. Mix in some other yard work? I have a retaining wall wash out that needs to be addressed, today may be the day.


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As little as possible. I've been running like mad lately. I don't have to drive my daughter today. I walked a crazy amount yesterday at the dirt track races last night as I was working on my brother's car in between races. So basically help him get his safety gear on, get into the car and get strapped in then guide him out of his pits then get over to the grandstand to watch then ad soon as the checkered flag drops run back to the hauler to guide him in over the lift stand then help fix any damage, change tires and make adjustments before he goes back out.

Ok maybe I can't sit still. Lol. I spent an hour this morning sorting out the vent stack for the range hood in our kitchen.

I am heading out later today for a 2 night canoe trip in to our cabin with the scouts with 8 kids and 2 other leaders.


Proudly Deplorable
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Recovering from my extended weekend at Hippie Ridge. What a muddy mess.

I pulled two trucks (four wheel drive no less), out of the muck with my Back-Hoe.

Contractors, building my neighbor's new house, keep getting stuck in my lawn. Or his pasture.

Despite this we did bring in one of the RV's for my grandson to live in. Spent a day getting it moved from Springfield, set, and level on a bed of gravel. Powered up and connected to septic.

Came home yesterday, dog tired and went to bed.

Today, I see my lawn is way high. That's what I get for fertilizing.

Doing laundry now and packing up for another trip to Hippie Ridge for the holiday.
We will hope fully get the second RV ready to move.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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pool heater is set to 88(F) degrees
water is clear
there is still a little clean up to do, wiping down the tile perimeter, etc but it is officially swimmable


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Sitting around coughing, eyes dripping, nose running.

Took DayQuil when I woke up. Took Benadryl 90 minutes ago.

Eyes and nose are still running and my cough persists. Started yesterday, was semi-miserable in the evening.

Been spending a lot of time laying out a roadtrip with the lovely Mrs_Bob and Dasha, to get her to California for her job, which starts mid-July. Planning to leave Tuesday June 25 in a rental car, fly home early July.

Well I'm HOPING to see some of the Indy 500.
It'll probably have a rain delay or get cancelled altogether 😕
Stands were evacuated.

Pretty safe bet that it will be tomorrow.


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Grocery shopping, drinking a beer, cleaning, drinking a beer, grilling food, drinking a beer, watching the food grill, drinking a beer. Oh, did I mention I was drinking a beer?
Where's mine? I just got home from a 3 day canoe trip in to a log cabin for 2 nights with my scouts troop. I imagine that a couple of beers might be in order. 🤣🍻🍺🍻


legendary ⚓🩺 🇺🇸
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This race has gotten off to a crazy start.
At this rate, there won't be any rookies left.
Two into the wall or each other and the only gal in the field out with a smoking car.


legendary ⚓🩺 🇺🇸
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Rain delay kinda screwed up Kyle Larsons running the double today. Hopefully Nascar grants a waiver as he obviously won't be in time to start the 600.
Brian, he landed at Charlotte Motor Speedway in a helicopter. I can't believe he's going to do another race 😳
Donald Trump is there too, sitting in the box with Richard Childress lol


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It was a cabin work day I got tired of lugging 100LB cylinders up for the stove and back up heat and got a 500 gallon tank.
I got it up there and had it o 4x4 runners so I could slide it off trailer because my tractor couldn't lift the whole thing.
Well I could lift 1 end put a 2" pipe under the runners that went ok as I was pulling it off it got catawampus coming down the ramp and rolled over o_O on its side and off the runners, (where's the unhappy wife emoji?) a ratchet strap and the tractor rolled it back upright.
I picked up the one end at a time and walked it in to position an a previously cleared area got the lintels under it and leveled it with the help of my grandson.


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It's 2:30pm and I've already done 3 trips in to the city. First trip was to drive my daughter to school then I went shopping for 2 new summer tires for the old grand am expecting to be paying $115ish per tire plus tax and instalation. The first tire shop I went to looked up my tire size and said...have I got a deal for you.... I walked out with 2 brand new old stock Firestone tires mounted and balanced taxes in for $155.09. They had them sitting around for a while and were unable to sell them.

So I left the rims and tires and returned home to get the truck ready to go to the body shop for repairs. It'll be down 2 weeks. I brought the truck in to the city to drop off and my son picked me up. We picked up the newly mounted tires a block away and came home. I made lunch then headed back to the city to shop unsuccessfully for brakes for the car (Amazon it is) and pick up my daughter from school. Now, I am planting my butt in the recliner for a few minutes.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Years ago, I was enamored with the Chinees Bradford Pear trees. Their Q-Tip look in the springtime bloom, covered parks, Public by-ways, and parking lots all over the place. My FIL gave me one for my birthday and it is a beautiful tree. Well mostly.

Bradfords are notoriously brittle in high winds.

They were supposedly neutered before they were imported. Anothe gift, like COVID-19, from the Chinese that turns out to be a curse.

Now they are spontaneous everywhere and worse, the new ones have big thorns. UGH!

Whilst I was at Hippie Ridge, a windstorm took a big branch of our tree and laid it in the street. Crumpy had to cut it up and remove it with only hand tools. She struggled all day to get it off the street and, on our lawn, and cut into manageable pieces. My task was to re-sort the branches and ruble and cut it in to small pieces for firewood. The small branches into mulch.

Some of the tree parts were 10 " in diameter.

For those who like to smoke meats, this wood is great, adding a sweet flavor I like to the hickory and oak I usually use. I have filled a 60" diameter wood rack with the material I processed today. It has all summer to season and dry. But, not a project I needed after a week at Hippie Ridge.

There I spent the last week, getting our two RV's out from Springfield and set up for habitation at Hippie Ridge. A lot of gravel movement with the big JD 310 Bucket/Backhoe. I needed to create a 50-foot X 15-foot gravel pad on which for the big Bungalow RV to park. The other, smaller RV camper had a site already prepared. Both units were moved with relative ease as the county had just recently graded the roads into our place.


Years ago, I was enamored with the Chinees Bradford Pear trees. Their Q-Tip look in the springtime bloom, covered parks, Public by-ways, and parking lots all over the place. My FIL gave me one for my birthday and it is a beautiful tree. Well mostly.

Bradfords are notoriously brittle in high winds.

They were supposedly neutered before they were imported. Anothe gift, like COVID-19, from the Chinese that turns out to be a curse.

Now they are spontaneous everywhere and worse, the new ones have big thorns. UGH!

Whilst I was at Hippie Ridge, a windstorm took a big branch of our tree and laid it in the street. Crumpy had to cut it up and remove it with only hand tools. She struggled all day to get it off the street and, on our lawn, and cut into manageable pieces. My task was to re-sort the branches and ruble and cut it in to small pieces for firewood. The small branches into mulch.

Some of the tree parts were 10 " in diameter.

For those who like to smoke meats, this wood is great, adding a sweet flavor I like to the hickory and oak I usually use. I have filled a 60" diameter wood rack with the material I processed today. It has all summer to season and dry. But, not a project I needed after a week at Hippie Ridge.

There I spent the last week, getting our two RV's out from Springfield and set up for habitation at Hippie Ridge. A lot of gravel movement with the big JD 310 Bucket/Backhoe. I needed to create a 50-foot X 15-foot gravel pad on which for the big Bungalow RV to park. The other, smaller RV camper had a site already prepared. Both units were moved with relative ease as the county had just recently graded the roads into our place.
I always hated Bradford Pears. For the exact reason you have stated. Here in the mid south, Bradford Pears were all the rage during the early 90's. By the early 2000's, people hated them because the would split out in the trunk during a mild windstorm. They are classified as a "weed tree". I don't know if you can even buy them in a nursery anymore.