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Investing discussion group ???


Gone But Not Forgotten
Would any other FF members be interested in forming a Private Investing Discussion Group here on FF to discuss investing ideas . I know there are a few members invested in the Market . We could discuss Stocks and Stratagies . We would not , and I won't ,discuss personal wealth or assets . Thats none of each others business . Just a place to discuss possible stocks of interest .It may even get a few members to join in who have never invested in the market but are curious to learn or see how others do it , a place to ask questions and so forth .
I'll pay the fee to set it up in a special forum , if we get enough people interested.
Great idea Al. I would be interested ....and there would be no fee involved in setting up the forum. Would it have to be private? To draw in others it would need to be seen by visitors and members here.
Great idea Al. I would be interested ....and there would be no fee involved in setting up the forum. Would it have to be private? To draw in others it would need to be seen by visitors and members here.

I don't see a reason why it would have to be private . I just said that because I knew you already had the Business101 section which covers a boarder area .

I watched a program , a few years ago , where a group of little old ladies did this and they were having a great time . Most had never been involved in investing or stocks and had learned a great deal . Some were invested and some were not . Bouncing information off others seems like a good idea , to me .
Great ! Thats 3 ! Thanks Jimbo

Come on people ! It gives us something other than ,politics,religion,or guns to talk about :clap::clap::clap:!!!!

I am always looking for a good stock to consider .Different points of views are valuable assets when investing . There is no such thing as too much information or input .

When your getting less than 2% at the banks its more important than ever to have some options .
I already have a great new upcoming industry to discuss in the new forum if we can get enough interested to make it worthwhile :shifty::shifty::shifty::whistling::whistling:.
I honestly believe it will blast off in the next 2 years .
I been doing some research on it and there is not a lot of competition in this new field yet . .
Great idea Al.....with the worlds economy on the verge of picking up again it would be a great edition to FF.

Real Estate will become a big topic in the coming years for sure.

I'm in m8.
Advice from the nuts on here?:yum: hell yes! can't be any worse than the clowns at the banks and investment houses. I would like to see it done.:clap:
Great idea Al.....with the worlds economy on the verge of picking up again it would be a great edition to FF.

Real Estate will become a big topic in the coming years for sure.

I'm in m8.

Thats 4! :clap:

Real estate is also a big topic now ! I believe it will factor into everything else as to when the economy will start improving .
Advice from the nuts on here?:yum: hell yes! can't be any worse than the clowns at the banks and investment houses. I would like to see it done.:clap:


Yes its amazing how many brokers are calling wanting to help people invest there savings now that investment companys are having a hard time . If they are so good at what they do ,why do they want my money and why ar'nt they laying on some beach in the Bahamas counting theres????
Thinking more on it I could make it a public joinable group, meaning folks won't see it unless they opt in and join the group. Easy to do with new forums, I tried to do that with the existing discussion / debate forum and the results were not as good. I'll get back to working on the DnD forum once the dust settles from this server move. Still dealing with a couple behind the scenes issues going on.
Al you should think hard on the format with possible sub sections



Real Estate


Minimum Risk

High Risk

ect ect you know the score......now you got me thinking and i wont sleep tonight:yum::yum::yum:

Give it some thought Al.....i know you will make the right choices.
Thinking more on it I could make it a public joinable group, meaning folks won't see it unless they opt in and join the group. Easy to do with new forums, I tried to do that with the existing discussion / debate forum and the results were not as good. I'll get back to working on the DnD forum once the dust settles from this server move. Still dealing with a couple behind the scenes issues going on.

Great ! Thanks Doc ! I think we should ,as a group , add comments on what or how we would like to shape this forum.
For example :

1.I am a investor and would like to see discussions on upcoming stocks ,both new and old .
2. A place members could come to and get help ,in plain language, to questions they might have about stock terminolgy without feeling uncomfortable asking .
3. Stocks to keep a eye on .

That sort of thing :smile:
Al you should think hard on the format with possible sub sections



Real Estate


Minimum Risk

High Risk

ect ect you know the score......now you got me thinking and i wont sleep tonight:yum::yum::yum:

Give it some thought Al.....i know you will make the right choices.

Not just me, all of US!!!! You must have been reading my mind :w00t2::w00t2:. This will be a group effort !
Al what about a virtual Trading area for fun.....trade virtual stocks and shares .....im sure this would be fun and educating.....crap im on brain overload.

Edit....the $$$ you have to trade with could be done according to post count.....Doc will love this idea for sure.
Al what about a virtual Trading area for fun.....trade virtual stocks and shares .....im sure this would be fun and educating.....crap im on brain overload.

Edit....the $$$ you have to trade with could be done according to post count.....Doc will love this idea for sure.

Yes sounds like fun .
And that means BobS,Sushi and PG will be the big money players ......:unsure:
Sounds like there is good interest. Myself, I do mostly short term trading now. Got out of real estate a few years back. However, I have been an appraiser and consultant for over 20 years.

I find that you can only watch a very few stocks at a time and do it well. Try to do to many, and you lose the feel of a stock.
Yes sounds like fun .
And that means BobS,Sushi and PG will be the big money players ......:unsure:

I'm sure that would not last long :yum::yum::yum:.....could set it up fresh with a post count separate for that area.....each post carries $1....or whatever would be best for fun.

I'm excited:w00t2:
Sounds like there is good interest. Myself, I do mostly short term trading now. Got out of real estate a few years back. However, I have been an appraiser and consultant for over 20 years.
Your knowledge would be a valuable asset to this group .

Short term trading makes me too nervous and since I travel alot I am not always in a position to stay on top of things . I am a "low Risk" investor for the most part .
Do you do your own trading Online or work through a broker ? I have never done the on line trading thing .
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I'm a Vanguard guy myself. Trade online. What makes me nervous is listening to brokers, and paying more than a few bucks per trade. They get paid only when you trade. I get paid only when I am right.
I'm a Vanguard guy myself. Trade online. What makes me nervous is listening to brokers, and paying more than a few bucks per trade. They get paid only when you trade. I get paid only when I am right.

You make a strong case . I have had the same broker for 20 plus years . I honestly can not say his picks have been long term good ones for me . I do like the fact that I can call him and get a pretty good review on any company.
Over the years he has continuely pushed me to sell one stock that has been in my portfolio from day one . I like this stock .... It is not a big mover and pays a modest dividend .Over the years it has been a good one for me . It is a bank stock .
Many years ago after my father started to make a pretty good living in Contracting ,and he along with 5 other guys started this bank . Dad went on to become the CEO over time . Dad retired and the bank has since sold many times over the years to become what it is today .It is now listed as WABC on the NYSE .My broker had no part of my investment so he did not make money on this one . Now he wants me to dump it and buy stocks through him .

It has actually made me take a step back and look at this guy in a new Light . I am starting to believe that its only the commission he is interested in .
I will be seriously interested in your input to day trading and buying online, but keeping my stocks long term . I think I am about ready to make some changes .
I'm a Vanguard guy myself. Trade online. What makes me nervous is listening to brokers, and paying more than a few bucks per trade. They get paid only when you trade. I get paid only when I am right.

I'm also a Vanguard guy and I also trade online.
Well ,Looks like we may have a few members that want to do this .Thats Great !!!:clap:

I'll get together with Doc, when he has time , and see how we go about setting this up .

Sounds like some of you are talking about wanting sub sections too ????

I can see some real good information coming out of this .

The important thing to remember is this is to be a "discussion group"only on Stocks and Investing Stratagies and is not intended or presumed to be a road map for getting rich in the stock market .

Invest at your own risk ......
Now you sound like a BROKER!!

I just do not want anyone to become "broker" than they already are .:yum:

But that does bring up a good question , Why are they called "Brokers" and not "Richers"??
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For example :

1.I am a investor and would like to see discussions on upcoming stocks ,both new and old .
2. A place members could come to and get help ,in plain language, to questions they might have about stock terminology without feeling uncomfortable asking .
3. Stocks to keep a eye on .

That sort of thing :smile:
Al, count me in.

Perhaps more as a lurker than an active trader.

1) and 3) would be valuable to learn more about. As for 2) I should know where to look up answers, at least.

My own interest is in the macro picture, how the world economy and market trends can affect different portions of the market. I'm not convinced that betting on 'street wisdom' about individual stocks is ever going to work, as a long term average, unless the investor has some direct experience like you do with that bank.

As for your broker trying to sell you what makes him the best commission - vs Vanguard's offering little more than transaction services - my bet is that the Vanguard approach will make more money for the average investor over time.

Added, one last comment: I like Galvy's specialty areas but I wouldn't start out with anything more than a single pot. A lot of inspiration comes from drawing together ideas from unrelated disciplines.
Would any other FF members be interested in forming a Private Investing Discussion Group here on FF to discuss investing ideas .

I got nothing to discuss. All my clams are in HON for the long haul, except for a few clams going into land by years end.