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Friend with cancer


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We all know people battling with cancer. It's hard to watch them battling and be powerless to do anything about it. A good friend of our at camp was diagnosed with throat cancer a couple years ago. It's been a long battle so far with him losing his larynx earlier this year.

All sumer at camp, we've watched our friend whither away to nothing. He starts palliative radiation this week but we all know the end result isn't good as the tumor is wrapped around his corroded artery and there is nothing more that can be done.

Last night was tough. A few of us stayed up past midnight around the fire drinking with him for what could very well have been his final send off. At this point, he may not make it to Canadian Thanksgiving as there are signs of the cancer spreading to his brain. Here's a picture of Glenn and I from last night while he could still stand.


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Thanks. It was somewhat of a celebration of life for him last night as he knows this could happen quickly and we all know the end is coming. However, he isn't going down without a fight. At some point last night he couldn't stand anymore so we had to hold him up Ala "weekend at bernies". That's my wife holding him up next to his son.



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He and his wife have three adult children and 4 foster children. So this will be a big loss to their family.


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Thats the shits for sure, I lost a neighbor/friend the same way. He went suddenly at the end when it hit his kidneys in a major way. Sorry for you guys and your friend.


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So sorry to hear of this. This time you are getting with him is a true gift, and it warms my heart to see you guys drinking and having fun.


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So sorry to hear of this. This time you are getting with him is a true gift, and it warms my heart to see you guys drinking and having fun.

The mood was definitely very somber last night as we knew that was most likely his last time letting his hair down, so to speak. And we all did our best to make it a good one. It's especially hard for me as it's been a double edge sword this weekend. On Tuesday it will be one year my dad was killed in a work accident. He was the same age as Glenn. So while dealing with the upcoming anniversary of his death, I was trying to uplift and support my friend who is nearing death. And watching his son struggle knowing full well what pain he has coming forward when Glenn passes. But not being able to say anything to them about it.


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Thought I would give an update. We were over at their house last night for a get together with our camp crew. He's been going through radiation and chemo. At first, they thought he was a gonner as the tumor was inoperable and surrounded by an artery. He informed me last night that his tumor was shrinking. We're hopeful but still prepared for the worst.


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Thought I would give an update. We were over at their house last night for a get together with our camp crew. He's been going through radiation and chemo. At first, they thought he was a gonner as the tumor was inoperable and surrounded by an artery. He informed me last night that his tumor was shrinking. We're hopeful but still prepared for the worst.
we will pray for your friend down here.


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I went up to see him last month at the hospital. He wasn't doing well then. Could no longer talk, drink, eat, or anything. His face was completely swollen from chemo and he was almost unrecognizable. He was on a feeding tube but his body was rejecting it. The writing was on the wall. My beer pong partner is no longer suffering. 😥 He lost his battle with throat cancer.

I'll miss you Glen 😔


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Thanks everyone. Today is the funeral. It's a simple graveside funeral with a luncheon afterwards.

It's going to be tough. He was my dad's age. 69. He leaves behind 4 children numerous grandchildren and 4 foster children 😢 .

I only met Glen when they first started coming out to our seasonal camp 8ish years ago. But after many many drunken nights around the campfire and various daytime shenanigans, we all became an extended family. As the guys all gathered to play beer pong on Saturday afternoons, Glen was often my teammate as we entered 5 team tournaments. 🤪 He was always ready to slap on a pair of high heels and dance to Shania Twain. I'll miss you 😔


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Ok. Now I'm beyond pissed. Let me explain. Glen and his wife were long time foster parents. They have had 4 young children in their home since birth. Two are now teenagers while the other two are in kindergarten and grade 1. This is the only home they've ever known since being apprehended at birth. Now the agency the children are under has decided to remove them from the home only 3 fng days after the only dad they've known died.

Background story. The children are native and were under the same organization that I worked for when I was still able to work. Native organizations up here cover certain geographic areas. A new native organization has been moving in and taking over for children who fall under their umbrella of service. The agency I worked with has a mixture of both native and white foster homes and worked well with both as it's in the best interest of the children. The new agency has come in like a bull in a China shop removing all their kids from white homes to place them with native foster parents without any regard to the children because in their minds, the white man is still trying to take their kids. Well, hello....maybe if their parents weren't drunks, they'd still be in a native home. And there aren't enough native foster homes to cover the amount of their children in care.

So now, Glen is dead. His wife just finished burying him and within 24hrs, the new agency informed her they are going to be moving the 2 young fosters tomorrow morning. I have many things I want to say but as I'm on permanent disability and still technically an employee of the first agency, I have to chose my words carefully.🤬


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Sadly there's not much that can be done and without getting into specifics, I was part of a similar situation while I was still working. Many times these decisions are political and the kids are the ones who suffer. The timing of this just plain sucks. There was already a 6 month plan for these kids to return. The agency just took the opportunity to bump it up. The timing just sucks. I mean, the woman just lost her husband. Less than 24hrs after the funeral, they informed her that she has to pack up their things.
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Some good news today for them. Apparently a maternal grandmother stepped in and told the agency she didn't want the kids moved so they are reviewing it now.