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White water kayaking


Black and white phote is of me (you can see my helmet and one blade of my paddle) on Fish Creek. "Creek" dumps into the Lochsa river in the Northeast area of Idaho (just west of Missula Mt.). If anyone knows the area, my buddy took the picture from the footbridge over the "creek". "Creek" was extrmely high at the time. Creek dumped into the Lochsa and that was a BIGGG river that day (think it was over 20k CFS)

Color photo I took myself after running the two drop waterfalls in the picture (my buddy in the boat is from Lake Placid). That photo is from "split rock falls", just outside of Lake Placid.


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Looks like a blast. Sadly I've never had the opportunity to try it. I actually would like to take a raft trip down the Snake or Colorado. The lovely Mrs_B and I had the opportunity to raft down a fairly tame river in Arizona. My ex-partner did it about a dozen years ago on the Snake river and shot several sets of rapids, it was one of the memories that came up at his recent funeral. In my 20's I used to do some canoeing and really enjoyed that, but never in any serious water.
B_Skurka said:
Looks like a blast. Sadly I've never had the opportunity to try it. I actually would like to take a raft trip down the Snake or Colorado.

When I used to guide in West Virginia we had alot of people come in from the Chicago area.

Gauley river is one of the best and "biggest" on the east coast. Dam release in Sept and Oct. so you're guarenteed (sp?) to have "good" water. New river (just 1/2 hour south of the Gauley is great water in the early summertime and summer (can get lower at the end of the summer though).

You should check out the Fayettville W.V Area for a summer "break" somtime. Great rafting, mountain biking and rock climbing.

Been on the Snake, great river, particularly Lunch Counter if your in a kayak. Never could pull a permit or get the time for the Colorado (you can do it on your own and not take an outfitter, but it will be a good 15-17 day trip, self contained).
Great Pics!!!
I've done both the Gauley and the New River. Both times we camped overnight at Fayetville WV. What a rush. The Gauley was the best for sure. I did it in one of the rubber rafts with a guide and 8 other folks. It was a blast. Ofcourse you had to sign a waiver saying if you die it's not their fault. Makes you think a bit. We had a group of 40 and one of the guys did back out. Just couldn't bring himself to sign. My wife couldn't sleep the night before we did the Gauley, but once we had a couple of the rapids under our belt she loved it. A kayak would go ahead of us and set up for a pic or two at just the right spot.

One time a girl in the back of the raft flew up in the air and landed on the guide that was steering our boat. He fell out. Those of us up front had no idea he had fallen out. We continued and went in the wrong part of the rapid. Next thing you know six of us (all on the same side of the boat were shot out of the boat and into the water. No one was hurt. We had quite a laugh about it afterward.

Lots of fun all the way around.
Doc, next time you want a trip let me know.

Best man at my wedding still lives in Fayettville (W.V) and still works part time at an outfitters (used to be the operations manager).

Gauley actually runs year round, which a lot of people don't know. Been on that river running over 6,000 cfs on a JULY day, 80 degress in June, with only THREE people on the whole river.

Remember Sweets Falls:D or Pillow Rock:D or Lost Paddle:D

I used to be one of the guys in the kayak (video boater) taking the pic's;)

Guy in the picture at Lake Placid works on the Gauley as well during Gauley season.

Hard to understand, but once you surfed a "huge" wave on the river, all day on the river, NOTHING else compares to what "fun" is in life (only problem is that you live on tips, don't have a 401k and you better have a ski slope lined up for winter work).
Thanks for the offer Dz. I'm more likely to go down there for the scenery or jump day off the New River Gorge Bridge (to watch ...not jump).
I've did it done it, got the t-shirt and doubt that I white water again. I've found I enjoy a 454 w/ prop pushing me along in the water rather than paddleing along.
I will give you a shout next time we head down that way. Might be able to meet up for beer and pizza or something like that.

Hope you've been to Earnies Ribs;)

You would be surprised on the things to do in the area.

You want to see a "river" harder than the Gauley? You cross over the Meadow river to Summersville (on 19). Great hike, and if you're lucky , waters up and you can hike the Meadow down to the Gauley.

Come down "after season" and you can actually drive along the Gauley from Sweets Falls to Lost Paddle (not many people know this;) ).

Babcock State Park is the picture that you see in all the "calenders". An old Grist Mill along the river. Only about 15 minutes from the New River Bridge.
That's "Mann's Creek". Hike there is "wild" and you would never beleive people kayak on that creek (dumps into the New River right past Kunnard put in).

There are alot of things to do in the area that you wouldn't beleive. Since it's become a big tourist trap so to speak, things have changed a bit.

Let me know and if your up for it, you can walk on the catwalk under the New River Bridge the whole lenght across:D

If I only had my house up there and not in N.C!
WALK THE CATWALK!!!!!!!!! Whoa ....that would be a rush. Does it go all the way across?
We did find the road that goes way down to the old bridge that crosses the New River underneath of the new bridge. We were down there when some were bungy jumping. That was quite a site.

We did not find the Rib place. We camped out and cooked out other than after rafting; then we all got together and went to pizza hut.
Ummmm ribs sound good. So does that drive along the Gauley. Heck we're only 2 1/2 or 3 hours away.