Black and white phote is of me (you can see my helmet and one blade of my paddle) on Fish Creek. "Creek" dumps into the Lochsa river in the Northeast area of Idaho (just west of Missula Mt.). If anyone knows the area, my buddy took the picture from the footbridge over the "creek". "Creek" was extrmely high at the time. Creek dumped into the Lochsa and that was a BIGGG river that day (think it was over 20k CFS)
Color photo I took myself after running the two drop waterfalls in the picture (my buddy in the boat is from Lake Placid). That photo is from "split rock falls", just outside of Lake Placid.
Color photo I took myself after running the two drop waterfalls in the picture (my buddy in the boat is from Lake Placid). That photo is from "split rock falls", just outside of Lake Placid.
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