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OJ Simpson Dead at 76


legendary ⚓
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I knew him when he and I were much younger. I was just a kid. He was playing for the Buffalo Bills at the time. I played with his daughter Arnelle and his son was just a baby. He was a good man back them. Don't know what went wrong.


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
I knew him when he and I were much younger. I was just a kid. He was playing for the Buffalo Bills at the time. I played with his daughter Arnelle and his son was just a baby. He was a good man back them. Don't know what went wrong.
Sad. Sometimes things happen in life that make good people do bad things. Then the rest of their life is haunted by those events.


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
I adored the man since I was a kid.

Then the murder trial and ensuing events in his life changed all that.