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New Biden Campaign Ad ... based on the false narrative of the "bloodbath" strory


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Thought this was an interesting new campaign advertisement from the Biden campaign, released for digital use.

If you are not familiar with the "bloodbath" story, here is a link ...
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Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Thought this was an interesting new campaign advertisement from the Biden campaign, released for digital use.

If you are not familiar with the "bloodbath" story, here is a link ...
As usual all Trumps comments are taken out of context very misleading but to the Trump haters its more fuel for their fire and they wont do the research to see if its true!


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
As usual all Trumps comments are taken out of context very misleading but to the Trump haters its more fuel for their fire and they wont do the research to see if its true!
The only good news is that many of the liars were called out on Twitter/X by Elon Musk, which started the headline and story revisions. I was watching the morning Chicago station news to see what they would say. Seems like they didn't just blurt out the AP story from yesterday. Not that they did a great job, but they seemed to avoid most of the exaggeration and lie. I saw other news sources that did the same, backing down from yesterday's outright lies.

Honestly I think Musk buying Twitter/X is turning out to be a great thing, it is a beacon of truth.

They have the ability for the 'community' to correct lies and misleading stories. It is a wonderful thing. If you don't look at Twitter/X you owe it to yourself to go open an account.


I had a discussion with the fire house guys.
One of the other members said " I'm not pro Trump I'm Anti Biden

At the last election, it was the exact opposite with a lot of people. They weren't Pro-Biden but Anti-Trump. Now, I think people have awakened from their slumber to see what that administration has done to the country and maybe Trump wasn't so bad after all?


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
At the last election, it was the exact opposite with a lot of people. They weren't Pro-Biden but Anti-Trump. Now, I think people have awakened from their slumber to see what that administration has done to the country and maybe Trump wasn't so bad after all?
I certainly hope so.

Personally I was not a Trump supporter in 16 but I did like most of what he did during his term in office, so he surprised me. I was a reluctant supporter in 20. And I'm a total realist in 24. It is not so much that I support Trump, it is that I so strongly oppose Biden. But I've always been 'right' leaning Republican or Libertarian in my views.

What I think is great this time around is that there seem to be credible polls showing that Biden is LOSING significant support among Black Men. Biden still has very strong support among Black Women. But there could be greater than a 15% point swing among Black Men. Similar swings are happening among Hispanic voters, possibly even larger swings.


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“What I think is great this time around is that there seem to be credible polls”.

I strongly doubt there is such a thing and think it might possibly be better if it didn’t show him gaining traction I’m afraid if it looks like he’s running out front people will get complacent and lazy and not vote. If this isn’t a massive massive overwhelming win, they will just cheat the system again, and reinstall their candidate like a toilet.