i'm going to start a new thread called iditarod 2010 with the up comingg race and the fact i will be pimping out my services and snow cat for the season i wanted to share some of the experience with the world went out to check the trail to safety yesterday it was a fit cold about - 14 f but the j-box heaters kept us warm and the windshield clear .the rest of the windows were covered in ice from all the snow powder sucked into the intake while running in the last week we have had light snoe with a total of 4 inches not enough to slow thing down but i look like a snow cloud when running down the trail. even had to run the wipers the whole way. safety road house is the last check point on the trail its a bout 22 miles from nome took 1 1/2 hours to get there with a few stops road houses in this area were spaced 10 miles apart be cause that's how far a man could walk in a day. as i start making more trips i will poste more pics and history.