• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Community Forums Now Open


Bottoms Up
Staff member
US Navy Veteran
Vietnam Veteran
Platinum Patron
A new influx of people bring new outlooks and new ideas. I created The Texas Connection special for all the Kingwood Korner folks who are coming over to Forums Forums. Enjoy.

If we have enough of any other community group that wants a forum, post an invite in this forum and if you get enough response and want me to create a community forum for you just say the word.
Well, Doc - hate to tell you dude... after four years, it looks like no one took you up on your offer, and since I am the new kid on the block (thank you) I hope to invade your thread...

at least until my feet are wet...

watch out!
Welcome Suni,
Great to see you posting. I'd be happy to set up a community forum for you if you have a few of you interested and you'll post in it regularly.

as for smilies: When you reply go to the advanced mode and you will see the smilies, and a link to click on more smilies. If you have put a colon before and after W00t2 you would have got this:
:w00t2: which reminds me i need a better name for that smilie.
:wow:I will try it! Thank you for everything..

fair warning in advance... teaching me things will often result in you either getting a head ache, or hitting the bottle...
oh Harley...

now... let me give you an example of a hot avatar...

look at Doc's! Now that is sizzle!

How did you do that avatar?
:whistling:oops! ok - now I have a new computer, so I do not have any pics added in, so you all just have to deal with a site offered avatar..

close enough!

but... I figured it out!
good grief!

stop telling that story! If I were computer literate, I probably would have known that clicking that button would turn on my camera!

This new computer, I ordered it without a camera! hah!
You know you are addicted...you will buy a cam...LOL!...

Its hot over here..108 degrees...need to get back to paradise soon...

I taped a photo of Nancy Pelosi over the camera that is on my computer. I figure with a face like hers it will scare the NSA away so they don't spy on me.

And by the way, welcome to the FORUMS FORUMS :clap:
Welcome! We don't allow some folks access all the pics without asking. You may regret it if you do....:whistling: