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Anyone loading up the pantry with extra food supplies?


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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I dunno what the heck is going on in the world, but we have high inflation (far higher than any government admits).

We have a war simmering in the middle east, with Iran seemingly taunting the entire western world while directly attacking Israel. And a live war inside Ukraine, which for some reason, we seem to want to support despite the fact that there is no end in sight.

Bird flu is now apparently being transmitted to other animals and has been found in dairy cows and milk. On most foods it seems that sale prices at the supermarket are 30% higher than normal prices were just a couple years ago.

We have one political party that is doing everything it can to arrest and imprison its opponents, while simultaneously it is economically strangling its citizens through regulations and executive orders.

Gas is up 75% over the prices from 3 years ago. States (and whole countries) that are relying heavily on wind/solar are experiencing higher electricity rates.

I've added into my normal food supplies some freeze dried meats. The freezers are packed. Freeze dried butter, milk, eggs, etc have also been added. I've also added more gold, silver and oil to my investment portfolio and sold off underperforming stocks. Ammo? Well I haven't been adding that, but I think I can hold out with the inventory I have a lot longer than my shoulder will hold out.

Just seems prudent.


Well-known member
We’re planting a bigger garden this year, usually try to keep a decent supply of food on hand at most times anyway as I live in the country and can sometimes get stormed in for a few days in the winter. Have a decent supply of ammo but am going to start getting more, just picked up my first shotgun I’ve ever had, have a few other rifles. Have some silver and gold, with the prices doing what they are I wish I had a lot more, just never had the extra money years ago. I’m fortunate to live in the country, have easy access to fresh food. I feel sorry for you city dwellers, you don’t have that option and are getting hosed at the store.
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Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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We are planning to revive the garden again this year. At one time I had a couple acres planted with corn, green beans and sunflowers. This year will be cherry tomatoes, peppers, pickling cukes, melons and probably both summer (yellow and green) and winter squash (butternut and acorn).

Lots of places around us raise chickens so we get eggs. Couple neighbors have cows and sell quarter and half portions.
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Proudly Deplorable
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Groceries are appreciating faster than Gold these days. Buy food, paper goods and supplies. Otherwise, you'll pay more later, if they are even available.


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Our freezers are pretty well stocked. During COVID I thought that we had enough to get through 3 or 4 months. It turned out that we could easily last a year and then some. What we struggled with was fresh veg, especially salad items but we have a source for that now beyond what my wife grows in her kitchen garden. Eggs and such are plentiful as everybody around here seems to have chickens. I also laid in a few cases of dehydrated foods just for emergencies, enough to last a month or so.

We keep a couple of cases of bottled water but we also have a small lake and more than one method to purify the water if need be.

Ammo? You never know when enough is enough but as Bob said, my shoulder is going to give out before the ammo does but I probably need to get some more, just in case they send the Texas National Guard after me. :)

Meds might be a problem after about 6 months but there is nothing wrong with me that would cause me to drop down dead on the spot if I was cut off from them.

Nope, I think we can get through most emergencies, even protracted ones. COVID was good training ... and yes, I do have a supply of toilet paper and paper goods.


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Our pantry is always packed deep.
I've been focusing more on other supplies, to keep everything up and running.
Spare items like:
A spare sump pump
Fluids/filters for engines
Make sure everything is in top running condition
I now have a small solar setup