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Trump - Biden Debates - June & September


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Breaking news

Kennedy excluded from debate.

Trump, Biden agree to June 27, Sept. 10 debates in campaign schedule shakeup​

Olivia Land and
President Biden and former President Donald Trump tentatively agreed Wednesday to face off in two summer debates months before the Nov. 5 election, upending the traditional campaign calendar.

CNN announced that the rivals will meet at 9 p.m. ET Thursday, June 27, at its Atlanta headquarters. There will be no live audience, in accordance with the Biden campaign’s request, and moderators will be announced at a later date…

Full story at link above


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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DEBATE: Biden’s debate challenge to Trump came with fine print:​

• No live audience​

• RFK Jr. is banned​

• Trump’s mic is muted when Biden speaks​

• Only hosted by NPR, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or CBS​

• Moderated by Democrat-aligned reporter​

They fell right into Trump’s trap.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Yep, Bobby Jr is saying he was excluded because they're afraid he would win.
Biden is the one who excluded Kennedy.

The debate is organized by the Biden campaign, with an invitation to the Trump campaign. The debate was NOT organized by the League of Women Voters or other similar organization that has put together these debates in the past. So those organizations, which would likely have included Kennedy, were intentionally undercut by the Biden campaign because they were left on the sidelines with Kennedy.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
My first thought....
This is a set up. They are going to arrest Trump on some stupid charge on live TV.
You know the way this year is going, with everything weaponized and politicized, that would not surprise me.


Well-known member
I would pay anything to get front row seats to that show!! lol. Pay per view can make a killing off this!!!

Unfortunately I see this being run the way mainstream media does everything with Trump, they will censor everything he says and possibly block or not show much of what he says, there will be a long enough delay from the time it airs for them to doctor up clips and make it look like he’s saying something other than what he is really saying. They will do everything they can to make him look bad.


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DEBATE: Biden’s debate challenge to Trump came with fine print:​

• No live audience​

• RFK Jr. is banned​

• Trump’s mic is muted when Biden speaks​

• Only hosted by NPR, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or CBS​

• Moderated by Democrat-aligned reporter​

I'd like to see more rules.
1) No aids available to the candidates, such as ear pieces.
2) The each get asked the exact same questions. No softball questions for Biden.


Well-known member
It doesn't matter who moderates or airs it or anything. Biden will still be Biden, only even older and more senile. You can only put so much frosting on a turd. The Biden team will either find a way out of the debates (like saying they can't in 'good conscience' debate with a 'convicted felon' and 'legitimize' Trump), or else Biden will look like a doddering old fool next to Trump. Either way, Trump wins.