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Outdoor activities


The Eccentric Englishman
Does anybody here do such things as hiking or backwoods camping (like survival only less hard core)?

Do a fair bit of hiking with friends and the occasional bit of camping without tents. It seems to be a good way of seeing off the land of work ;)

I don't know if you would consider Geocaching to fall in this. I use to do a lot of that and do want to get back on track. One trip two years ago I ended up hiking over 15 miles. Man was I tired as I never thought the trip would be that long. Anyway I do enjoy the outdoors.

Mith said:
Does anybody here do such things as hiking or backwoods camping (like survival only less hard core)?

Do a fair bit of hiking with friends and the occasional bit of camping without tents. It seems to be a good way of seeing off the land of work ;)

Back in the old days (when I was in my 20's) I did winter survival training and used to go out in the woods on snowy winter weekends with minimal supplies to spend weekends sleeping on the ground for the fun of it. As I grew older I switched to 'low impact' back packing in the spring and summer where I tried to leave no impact and carried out any trash I found along my way, in additionn to anything I carried in. Hiked part of the Appelation (sp?) Trail in Kentucky and Tennessee. Lately I try to confine my travels to the Ritz Carlton hotels and other similar facilities.
goecacheing definately does count, sounds like a great idea because it puts meaning into the hike. I dont use a GPS when I walk, generally just a map and compass, I prefer having a method of navigation that isnt affected by trees and that doesnt go out of range ;)

Bob, dont you love the feeling spending the evenings under the stars with a nice fire going knowing that your just there, nobody cares, its just you, nothing to get in your way, no worries. I find I get the best nights sleep like that, just less troubles. :)
Jim, actually I really did enjoy it. I've been trying to get my family down to Belize to go into the jungle, visit the Mayan ruins, caves, etc. However the family is more interested in the beach, snorkeling, etc. Not sure if we will get there at all, but we are considering going down over the Easter season. I'd also love to do a guided raft trip down the Colorado river, Snake river or through the Grand Canyon.
Jungle sure would be awesome, Ive always wanted to go there to see all the wierd and wonderful typres of plant and animals that we just dont see here. Every time there is a show on TV with Rainforest/Jungle on I always thing how great it would be to spend a few days there (with adequate mozzie protection natuarally), it just looks so green and untouched.
I would try and persuade them, it would be a very unique experience.
Three years ago, Jan and I spent about 5 days on Isle Royale in Northern Lake Superior. No motorized vehicles allowed. We took our kayaks with us. That place was great! One morning, we were walking along a trail, when Jan disappeared around a bend in the trail. I'd lost sight of her, and the only thing I heard was "Oh shit!". She came running back up the trail towards me. I asked what was wrong. Once she settled down, she told me she ran into a moose. Oh really said I? You don't understand she replied. She then gave me a blow by blow account as to how she walked right into the mooses rearend. :eek: Well, I couldn't contain myself, so I just asked her if she kissed it first! Uhuh, okay.:tiphat: