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Illegal Aliens get 5 Year Work Permits while awaiting Deportation Hearings


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
So why are wages depressed . . . because companies are hiring illegal aliens.
So why is are rents increasing . . . because we have an influx of roughly 8 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens.
So who got the jobs the Government claims are increasing . . . primarily illegal aliens.
So why is urban crime growing . . . because we have unchecked illegal gang members flooding in.
So why . . .

Just an endless rant of mine.

But there is one thing in common, we have unchecked illegal immigration.

If you folks are not reading ZeroHedge, or getting the daily headlines recap, you should be. It is not right or left, but rather monetary and libertarian in its views. Mostly focusing on investing and how government action affects the markets and society. I encourage you to check it out. This is a great explanation of much of what is happening today:

The Great Replacement Loophole: Illegal Immigrants Score 5-Year Work Benefit While "Waiting" For Deporation, Asylum

Over the past several months we've pointed out that there has been zero job creationfor native-born workers since the summer of 2018...
... and that since Joe Biden was sworn into office, most of the post-pandemic job gains the administration continuously brags about have gone foreign-born (read immigrants, mostly illegal ones) workers.
And while the left might find this data almost as verboten as FBI crime statistics - as it directly supports the so-called "great replacement theory" we're not supposed to discuss - it also coincides with record numbers of illegal crossings into the United States under Biden.
In short, the Biden administration opened the floodgates, 10 million illegal immigrants poured into the country, and most of the post-pandemic "jobs recovery" went to foreign-born workers, of which illegal immigrants represent the largest chunk.
'But Tyler, illegal immigrants can't possibly work in the United States whilst awaiting their asylum hearings,' one might hear from the peanut gallery. On the contrary: ever since Biden reversed a key aspect of Trump's labor policies, all illegal immigrants - even those awaiting deportation proceedings - have been given carte blanche to work while awaiting said proceedings for up to five years...
... something which even Elon Musk was shocked to learn.
Which leads us to another question: recall that the primary concern for the Biden admin for much of 2022 and 2023 was soaring prices, i.e., relentless inflation in general, and rising wages in particular, which in turn prompted even Goldman to admit two years ago that the diabolical wage-price spiral had been unleashed in the US (diabolical, because nothing absent a major economic shock, read recession or depression, can short-circuit it once it is in place).
Well, there is one other thing that can break the wage-price spiral loop: a flood of ultra-cheap illegal immigrant workers. But don't take our word for it: here is Fed Chair Jerome Powell himself during his February 60 Minutes interview:
PELLEY: Why was immigration important?
POWELL: Because, you know, immigrants come in, and they tend to work at a rate that is at or above that for non-immigrants. Immigrants who come to the country tend to be in the workforce at a slightly higher level than native Americans do. But that's largely because of the age difference. They tend to skew younger.
PELLEY: Why is immigration so important to the economy?
POWELL: Well, first of all, immigration policy is not the Fed's job. The immigration policy of the United States is really important and really much under discussion right now, and that's none of our business. We don't set immigration policy. We don't comment on it.
I will say, over time, though, the U.S. economy has benefited from immigration. And, frankly, just in the last, year a big part of the story of the labor market coming back into better balance is immigration returning to levels that were more typical of the pre-pandemic era.
PELLEY: The country needed the workers.
POWELL: It did. And so, that's what's been happening.
Translation: Immigrants work hard, and Americans are lazy. But much more importantly, since illegal immigrants will work for any pay, and since Biden's Department of Homeland Security, via its Citizenship and Immigration Services Agency, has made it so illegal immigrants can work in the US perfectly legally for up to 5 years (if not more), one can argue that the flood of illegals through the southern border has been the primary reason why inflation - or rather mostly wage inflation, that all too critical component of the wage-price spiral - has moderated in in the past year, when the US labor market suddenly found itself flooded with millions of perfectly eligible workers, who just also happen to be illegal immigrants and thus have zero wage bargaining options.
None of this is to suggest that the relentless flood of immigrants into the US is not also driven by voting and census concerns - something Elon Musk has been pounding the table on in recent weeks, and has gone so


Master of Distraction
Staff member
SUPER Site Supporter
Five years ... wtf. I immigrated legally. I had 3 TN (NAFTA) 1 year visas. A 4 year H1-B visa and a marriage based visa (about one year into my H1-B). All of these took a ton of legal paperwork and border crossing crap (I would have to drive to Canada and re-enter to get the actual visa stamp). Citizenship also was a PITA.
But as the article above suggests - this is all about manipulating the labor market and buying votes.


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
Five years ... wtf. I immigrated legally. I had 3 TN (NAFTA) 1 year visas. A 4 year H1-B visa and a marriage based visa (about one year into my H1-B). All of these took a ton of legal paperwork and border crossing crap (I would have to drive to Canada and re-enter to get the actual visa stamp). Citizenship also was a PITA.
But as the article above suggests - this is all about manipulating the labor market and buying votes.

I'd agree with you there. I had been married to my American wife for 6 years before applying for a Resident Alien Card (Green Card) through the Embassy in London. I had to take a physical along with a chest X-ray, photographs, fingerprints and photographs of my ear lobes. It seems that ears and ear lobes are almost as unique as fingerprints. So, if they find your severed head in a dumpster they have a chance of identifying you. The whole thing took weeks, running into months which gave plenty of time for the 4 or 5 interviews that I had to go through.

I've been a Citizen now for 23 years and that process was almost as tedious but not quite.

After what I had to go through to legally stay in this country, you can understand how pissed off I get at these illegals who wander across the border and are given immunity and rights that I had to legally attain.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
My father was an immigrant who came through Ellis Island as a young teenager. I don't recall the entire process he went through but I do know that he was a citizen by the time he volunteered for the US Navy at the start of WWII. I'd guess, even if it was far more streamlined then, it was still a long process. He probably knew American 'civics' better than 90% of the native born Americans of his generation and 99.99% of the native born of the current generation.
Call me slow or ignorant but how are illegals with criminal record in their countries able to move to USA unchecked when USA doesn’t allow anyone with a criminal record to immigrate? Don’t these countries that illegals come from share their criminal database with USA and won’t interpol inform the country that person with a criminal record is planing to move to. I’m from Detroit USA and I live in Canada. I know that Canada and USA will share their Criminal record database.