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Grizzly Bear to be reintroduced to Cascade Mtn Range/Washington State


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Remember the controversy over the reintroduction of Wolves to several of these United States?

Now Grizzly Bears will be introduced, in the Northern Cascades.

We had Wild Turkey reintroduced in my state, but I don't fear for myself or family members or even pets from the local wild turkey population that has inhabited my property after migrating up for the southern part of the state where I used to travel to hunt them. Wolves and Grizzly Bears seems like a bigger threat to my life and limb.

The HILL is running this story.

Grizzly bears to be reintroduced to Washington state’s North Cascades


FILE – In this July 6, 2011, photo, a grizzly bear roams near Beaver Lake in Yellowstone National Park, Wyo. (AP Photo/Jim Urquhart, File)
The National Park Service (NPS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced Thursday a decision to “actively restore” grizzly bears to the North Cascades region of Washington state.
For thousands of years, grizzly bears roamed the region “as a key part of the ecosystem, distributing native plant seeds and keeping other wildlife populations in balance,” according to NPS.
The last time a grizzly bear was sighted in the region was in 1996, following a decline in population that resulted largely from people killing them.
“We are going to once again see grizzly bears on the landscape, restoring an important thread in the fabric of the North Cascades,” Don Striker, superintendent of North Cascades National Park Service Complex, said in a statement.
The restoration of grizzly bears will take place through the “translocation of grizzly bears from other ecosystems in the Rocky Mountains or interior British Columbia.”
The goal will be to move three to seven grizzly bears each year for about five to 10 years, for a total of 25 bears initially. There is no set timeline for when this process will begin.
The decision also designated grizzly bears in this region as a nonessential experimental population under part of the Endangered Species Act. With the designation, agencies hope authorities and land managers will have more tools to handle the grizzly bears than they otherwise would.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will publish a final 10(j) rule in the coming days, which Brad Thompson, the agency’s state supervisor, said is “based on extensive community engagement and conversations about how the return of a grizzly bear population in the North Cascades will be actively managed to address concerns about human safety, property and livestock, and grizzly bear recovery.”
“It provides an expanded set of management tools in recognition that grizzly bear recovery in the North Cascades is dependent on community tolerance of grizzly bears,” Thompson added.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
There is an old story about cohabitating bears and humans.

There is a belief that humans seem to be safe if they wear little bells which are supposed to annoy the bears and keep them away.

However, if you are ever in bear country and worry what kind of bear resides there, you can tell by their scat what kind of bear inhabits the region via a review of their scat. Black and brown bears have berry seeds and insect parts in their scat.

Grizzly scat will have little bells.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
There is an old story about cohabitating bears and humans.

There is a belief that humans seem to be safe if they wear little bells which are supposed to annoy the bears and keep them away.

However, if you are ever in bear country and worry what kind of bear resides there, you can tell by their scat what kind of bear inhabits the region via a review of their scat. Black and brown bears have berry seeds and insect parts in their scat.

Grizzly scat will have little bells.
Just be faster than the people you hike with.

Gary O'

Well-known member
The blackies that frequented our cabin mainly went for the trash cans, no matter how bungeed down
They were pretty shy of folks
Early 3am visits
There was one
that got into the sealed 5 gal can of cracked corn
Tore off the lid
Tipped it over
laid on his belly
and shoveled it in

He dressed out at 400 lbs

mr bear.jpg