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Dr PEPPER is now the #2 soft drink, surpassing PEPSI sales


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
I found this pretty surprising but I am a devoted Dr Pepper fan. I don't actually drink a lot of soda. Pretty much never a sugar soda, and the lovely Mrs_Bob drinks Diet Pepsi, so I will occasionally grab one of her cans of pop. But on the rare occasion I do buy myself a treat, it is Dr Pepper ZERO. I would occasionally drink Diet Dr Pepper, but always found its taste a bit off putting. When Dr Pepper ZERO arrived I tried one of those and loved it, very close to "real" Dr PEPPER flavor.

Full story at the link above ^^^

Dr Pepper just passed Pepsi as the second biggest soda brand

Dr Pepper soda cans for sale are pictured at a grocery store in Pasadena, California, U.S., February 14, 2018.
New York CNN — normal
Coke is still the top soda in America. But the runner up spot, long held by Pepsi, now belongs to Dr Pepper.
After years of slowly gaining market share, Dr Pepper inched ahead of Pepsi as the number two soda brand in the country in 2023, according to market share data from Beverage Digest, a trade publication.
Coke is the leader by a comfortable margin. Last year, it captured 19.2% of the soda market in the United States by volume, Beverage Digest’s data shows. Dr Pepper and Pepsi both had 8.3%, with Dr Pepper technically ahead. After that came other brands owned by Coca-Cola: Sprite came in at 8.1% and Diet Coke at 7.8%.
While “Dr Pepper has been gaining, [Pepsi] has been declining, and they’re meeting in the middle,” said Duane Stanford, editor of Beverage Digest, in an interview with CNN. . . .


Active member
I LOVE Dr Pepper! I try not to drink pop except when we go out to restaurants, and then that's my "treat" instead of dessert. I tried Dr Pepper Zero and it still tasted like chemicals to me. Coke Zero was a hit for me though, but it caused me to gain 10 pounds, so no thanks to that.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
I like Dr pepper. it is not my favorite soda. However, I would prefer it over Coke or Pepsi.
Or most any other soda except...;
I prefer Ginger Ale. The real stuff.
If I can find it.
But Canada Dry Ginger Ale will do.