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Janet Reno Dead at 78!


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Janet Reno, the renowned torch bearer of the debacle at Waco, TX is dead at the age of 78. As AG she was directly responsible for the burning to death alive of 17 children at the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco Texas in 1993.

It has also been rumored that she is the father of Chelsea Clinton, but that has never been substantiated through DNA testing, although the resemblance is striking.

May she rot in hell and never rest in peace.


legendary ⚓🩺 🇺🇸
GOLD Site Supporter
Says she died from complications of Parkinson's disease.

No comment otherwise.

Danang Sailor

nullius in verba
GOLD Site Supporter
TR, I'm not going to argue with you so this will be my first and last post on this.

I'm no expert on any of this but was interested because of all the conflicting reports and so read everything about it that I
could find. It seems to me that there were plenty of mistakes and miscalls on both sides, and blame enough to cover all
involved. We have to remember that it all began when ATF agents raided the compound based on information that
David Koresh had a stockpile of illegal weapons, which proved to be true. The raid went south, people on both sides
died, and the sh*tstorm started. No one was ever able to establish who fired the first shot but it did come from the
compound. The transcripts of the phone conversations between Agent in Charge Ricks and Koresh show a total lack
of flexibility on both sides.

The phone calls seem to me to show that both Rick and Koresh had agendas that were in total opposition and neither was
willing to make any reasonable compromises; t
he outcome we know. Reno's only real culpability has to do with the six-year
denial of the possible incendiary properties of the teargas grenades and it is quite possible that she herself had been
mislead by her subordinates; how many civilians with no military or on-the-ground SWAT-type experience know which
kinds of gas grenades may have incendiary possibilities? Heck, I have 22 years in uniform and unless the cases have
warnings I wouldn't know which was which! I'd presume that they were hot enough to ignite flammable materials but not
everyone thinks that way.

A bad situation all around, but I can't condemn Janet Reno for any of it. If we look at it in its entirety it seems David Koresh
is ultimately to blame for keeping an illegal stockpile of NFA firearms and explosives ... which strikes me
as a bit odd for
the leader of supposedly peaceful Christian sect.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
TR, I'm not going to argue with you so this will be my first and last post on this.

I'm no expert on any of this but was interested because of all the conflicting reports and so read everything about it that I
could find. It seems to me that there were plenty of mistakes and miscalls on both sides, and blame enough to cover all
involved. We have to remember that it all began when ATF agents raided the compound based on information that
David Koresh had a stockpile of illegal weapons, which proved to be true. The raid went south, people on both sides
died, and the sh*tstorm started. No one was ever able to establish who fired the first shot but it did come from the
compound. The transcripts of the phone conversations between Agent in Charge Ricks and Koresh show a total lack
of flexibility on both sides.

The phone calls seem to me to show that both Rick and Koresh had agendas that were in total opposition and neither was
willing to make any reasonable compromises; t
he outcome we know. Reno's only real culpability has to do with the six-year
denial of the possible incendiary properties of the teargas grenades and it is quite possible that she herself had been
mislead by her subordinates; how many civilians with no military or on-the-ground SWAT-type experience know which
kinds of gas grenades may have incendiary possibilities? Heck, I have 22 years in uniform and unless the cases have
warnings I wouldn't know which was which! I'd presume that they were hot enough to ignite flammable materials but not
everyone thinks that way.

A bad situation all around, but I can't condemn Janet Reno for any of it. If we look at it in its entirety it seems David Koresh
is ultimately to blame for keeping an illegal stockpile of NFA firearms and explosives ... which strikes me
as a bit odd for
the leader of supposedly peaceful Christian sect.

The Feds picked a windy day, told the fire department to stay in town, and rammed the house with a Sherman tank, with a tear gas dispensing boom, with a PILOT LIGHT at the discharge nozzle. The Fed's burnt them out. :hammer:

There were NO full auto weapons EVER found from what I read. :unsure: Some if the FBI agents shot other agents through walls. They could not see who they were shooting at....

The sad truth is if they wanted Koresh, the local Sheriff could have gotten him easily with NO VIOLENCE. But the Fed's never thought to include the locals. :hammer:

Saddest day in our history I think. Reno can rot in hell, along with others. :hammer:

Regards, Kirk
Last edited:


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
TR, I'm not going to argue with you so this will be my first and last post on this.

I'm no expert on any of this but was interested because of all the conflicting reports and so read everything about it that I
could find. It seems to me that there were plenty of mistakes and miscalls on both sides, and blame enough to cover all
involved. We have to remember that it all began when ATF agents raided the compound based on information that
David Koresh had a stockpile of illegal weapons, which proved to be true. The raid went south, people on both sides
died, and the sh*tstorm started. No one was ever able to establish who fired the first shot but it did come from the
compound. The transcripts of the phone conversations between Agent in Charge Ricks and Koresh show a total lack
of flexibility on both sides.

The phone calls seem to me to show that both Rick and Koresh had agendas that were in total opposition and neither was
willing to make any reasonable compromises; t
he outcome we know. Reno's only real culpability has to do with the six-year
denial of the possible incendiary properties of the teargas grenades and it is quite possible that she herself had been
mislead by her subordinates; how many civilians with no military or on-the-ground SWAT-type experience know which
kinds of gas grenades may have incendiary possibilities? Heck, I have 22 years in uniform and unless the cases have
warnings I wouldn't know which was which! I'd presume that they were hot enough to ignite flammable materials but not
everyone thinks that way.

A bad situation all around, but I can't condemn Janet Reno for any of it. If we look at it in its entirety it seems David Koresh
is ultimately to blame for keeping an illegal stockpile of NFA firearms and explosives ... which strikes me
as a bit odd for
the leader of supposedly peaceful Christian sect.

You don't argue DS, you discuss. I have tremendous respect for that.

I have tremendous love in this world for our children. They are a gift from God, each and everyone of them. That is why I am so passionately against abortion. They are our future, not pawns in a political discussion.

They is nothing in this world that would justify the burning to death of 17 children alive, certainly not illegal NFA weapons. David Koresh bears a level of responsibility in this, to that there is no doubt, but rational minds should have prevailed in this situation and it most certainly did not.

My opening remarks may appear to some as nothing more then a bitter old man holding onto a 23 year grudge, I do not know. What I do know is Reno was the torch bearer in all of this and the Good Lord will judge her accordingly.

The Chelsea remark was probably a little heavy handed, but my disdain for that whole group of thieve and aberrant monsters knows no bounds.


Bronze Member
Site Supporter
You don't argue DS, you discuss. I have tremendous respect for that.

I have tremendous love in this world for our children. They are a gift from God, each and everyone of them. That is why I am so passionately against abortion. They are our future, not pawns in a political discussion.

They is nothing in this world that would justify the burning to death of 17 children alive, certainly not illegal NFA weapons. David Koresh bears a level of responsibility in this, to that there is no doubt, but rational minds should have prevailed in this situation and it most certainly did not.

My opening remarks may appear to some as nothing more then a bitter old man holding onto a 23 year grudge, I do not know. What I do know is Reno was the torch bearer in all of this and the Good Lord will judge her accordingly.

The Chelsea remark was probably a little heavy handed, but my disdain for that whole group of thieve and aberrant monsters knows no bounds.

Well said........:applause:


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
The sad truth is if they wanted Koresh, the local Sheriff could have gotten him easily with NO VIOLENCE. But the Fed's never thought to include the locals. :hammer:

Regards, Kirk

I agree with a lot of what DS said but I also agree with 300 H&H, especially the statement quoted above.

To me, the saddest takeaway from the whole event is what happens when we militarize our law enforcement agencies, especially the Federal ones. They have all this high dollar equipment and are just looking and itching for an opportunity to deploy it. It causes a massive over reaction and becomes the first choice, go to tool rather than the tool of last resort.

As Kirk said, there were other ways to go around this thing rather than using a full scale assault on the compound as your opening gambit. After that, the lines were drawn.


New member
SUPER Site Supporter
Janet Reno, the renowned torch bearer of the debacle at Waco, TX is dead at the age of 78. As AG she was directly responsible for the burning to death alive of 17 children at the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco Texas in 1993.

It has also been rumored that she is the father of Chelsea Clinton, but that has never been substantiated through DNA testing, although the resemblance is striking.

May she rot in hell and never rest in peace.

Are you sure she is dead? :unsure: Hell the old witch has looked that way for years. :whistling:


legendary ⚓🩺 🇺🇸
GOLD Site Supporter
I will:

I hope her death was both lingering, agonizing and painful.

Fork her and the rest of the FBI-shits who burned all those people out.

Being a nurse who has watched the pain and suffering from people with Parkinson's, I'd not wish that sort of lingering, agonizing, painful death on ANYONE.
Sometimes my profession leaves me empty for wishing harm or death on no soul.

And I am fully aware of what happened with the Branch Davidians during the Waco siege all those years ago.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Being a nurse who has watched the pain and suffering from people with Parkinson's, I'd not wish that sort of lingering, agonizing, painful death on ANYONE.
Sometimes my profession leaves me empty for wishing harm or death on no soul.

And I am fully aware of what happened with the Branch Davidians during the Waco siege all those years ago.

I despised the woman with every fiber of my being and I am not in the least bit bashful to say I am glad to see her go for burning those 17 precious children alive.

With that said, I watched my Dad suffer from Parkinson's and I would not wish that on anyone.


legendary ⚓🩺 🇺🇸
GOLD Site Supporter
I despised the woman with every fiber of my being and I am not in the least bit bashful to say I am glad to see her go for burning those 17 precious children alive.

With that said, I watched my Dad suffer from Parkinson's and I would not wish that on anyone.

That's the way you feel Butch.
I didn't really like her much when she was serving, but I'll never cheer over the death of anyone.


Being a nurse who has watched the pain and suffering from people with Parkinson's, I'd not wish that sort of lingering, agonizing, painful death on ANYONE.
Sometimes my profession leaves me empty for wishing harm or death on no soul.

And I am fully aware of what happened with the Branch Davidians during the Waco siege all those years ago.

Too bad, so sad. I hope she died in agony. Just like the children she had deliberately murdered.