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Boy Scouts Changing Name To "Scouting America"


legendary ⚓🩺 🇺🇸
GOLD Site Supporter
Good question, Francis.
Everything has to be all inclusive now. 🙄
It's very disturbing.
I never thought this country would become so far removed as it was has since I was a kid, and even when my sons were.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Good question, Francis.
Everything has to be all inclusive now. 🙄
It's very disturbing.
I never thought this country would become so far removed as it was has since I was a kid, and even when my sons were.
There is a difference between being all the same and being equal individuals under the law.

Making us all the same is how communism works. jus' sayin'
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Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
As a scouter and committee man (am I allowed to still say that?)
I see the reason for the change when the created girls troops a few years ago
Scouting usa was created in 76 to rebrand the scouts (in my opinion it was to separate out the pedifile issues from years before)

My grandson's troop has a parallel girls troop (mostly sisters of the boys that wanted to participate wbut weren't allowed to before scouts created the girls troops this brings families to the scout meetings the meet together and work together but have to have a female leader there per the rules it is working for us in rural america
The Girl Scouts of America in our area only seem to sell cookies and aren't active in camping I'm not saying they aren't developing well rounded girls in their troop's but our girls wanted to do what the boys do.
An example my granddaughter auditioned a girl scouts troop and it wasn't what she wanted, she ended up in a venture crew (Boy Scouts)
and along the way among other things she's done she went to the Bahamas on a sailing trip and you couldn't get the smile off her face when she came home to tell us about swimming with sea turtle's and other stuff she got to do!


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
I think it was 2007??? When boy scouts of Canada became strictly Scouts Canada to become more inclusive. We have 11 youth in my troop. 3 are girls. (Well, one is "transitioning" but that's another story I prefer to keep offline)


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
I think it was 2007??? When boy scouts of Canada became strictly Scouts Canada to become more inclusive. We have 11 youth in my troop. 3 are girls. (Well, one is "transitioning" but that's another story I prefer to keep offline)
down here we have to have seperate troops (in nationals idea to keep separation)
but some of our scouts have to travel 20-30 minuets to get to a meeting so having parallel (our name for them) troops that meet same time and actually same meeting (unbenounced to council) it works for us and that way families don't have to travel twice to meetings.
the venture crews and explorer posts are coed but start at 14 years old