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Bombardier BR-60+ (redsqwrl)


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So with some help from a backyard skier, a club of hunters, good weather and pissy custom/border agents northeastheavy's br60 came into my life.

Thread 'FOR SALE- 1991 BR60+' https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/for-sale-1991-br60.47478/

It was in a sad state having been ridden hard and put away frozen for many years. It has duty-fully fulfilled one mission after another for a snowmobile club in upstate NY after NEH sold it. The club had given up on it. It was put out to pasture not running, no usable life in its belting.

I had no idea at the time that this load of 50hr iron was an integral of its resurrection.


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Gotta say, it took me a minute to figure out all that I was looking at. You are a master of the stack/sort/pile/stockpile. I'm guessing that was why the BP was pissy?


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Gotta say, it took me a minute to figure out all that I was looking at. You are a master of the stack/sort/pile/stockpile. I'm guessing that was why the BP was pissy?
I went out of canadia at one location and came back at another simple enough you would think. But try to follow this.

I went in canada with equipment on the trailer. ( at the soo )
I went out of canada with equipment on the trailer. ( different equipment, at ogdensburg or st joe ?? ).
I came back into canada at a different crossing with equipment on the trailer ( other side of lake champlain maybe as the ferry was closed) and I didnt want to drive around? (different equipment, photo) either way that border crossing did not have a commercial lane and I did not fit in the car lane.
so they proceeded to treat me like I had more business than importing yuengling to points west.......

It started with needing the vin and registration for the canadian built snow cat ( importing) and ended with a missing license plate on the trailer. ( the final decision on their end was that I had bought the trailer in canada ) I sat laughing on the inside as they proceeded about their business. I answered every question honestly and factually I produced every document they needed, fed med card, cdl, insurance, registration(s) and finally a deputy came out with a stack of printed photos and stated "have you done this before", I said yes. many times. He said, technically the cases of beer purchased in canada and brought into the USA are consumed before coming back to canada with more beer from USA going to the USA. I said i don't drink beer and they are gifts for friends.
the stack of photos were all of me in the past seven years. same trailer, same broken spare tire mount, ( i had sandblasted and repainted the trailer 3 years ago) deputy apologized and sent me on my way back to the soo. Of course I stopped at wawa and bought more beer. ( you can bring one case back ) the lady at the soo said, HI mike. you made good time, do you have anything to declare, handing her my passport and registration documents, I said six cases of beer and she said thankyou, have a good day. try to process that all these trips were recorded in the then required "travelcan jabby juice system" and truck drivers were essential.
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In case anyone wonders what or why i go up instead of down to go east.


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Its first steps in my care.

A spring for the govenor was off in the injector pump. (That got it running sort of)

These tracks are cut down from a 301 parts cat. It was time to proof the diff and runability of the engine. On this day i lost 3 hrs due to what i lovingly call phuckery. I feel im an expert at diagnosing and removing phuckery. In this case it was some brilliant einstein who thought an electric fuel pump was a good idea. Hopefully the link works

Don Coyote

One Man's "junk" is another Man's "whatthephukisthematterwithyou".

It's disgusting how "disposable" everything has become in modern times.

Bless you for the ressurrection.