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Minimum Wage increases = Robots & Apps take away


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Of course automation will result in labor force reductions.

My concern is that 'entry level' jobs are not meant to provide living wages, they are there to give kids an opportunity to earn money while gaining REAL LIFE SKILLS like learning to understand that showing up on time, providing good customer service and making a real and positive effort to gain promotions are necessary to succeed in life. As politician pander, and wages are artificially driven upward, these "entry level" jobs are lost, and with those lost jobs are also lost opportunities to teach inexperienced workers the VALUE of work.

Full story at the link above, Chipotle says its about "consistency" of portion sizes, but of course, they needed to say that!

Chipotle has found a clever way to beat California's $20-an-hour wages

23:06 EDT, 17 September 2024
| Updated: 10:47 EDT, 18 September 2024
Chipotle has introduced two robots that can take over tasks normally done by its workers. The 'autocado' can peel, stone and cut an avocado for guacamole in 26 seconds. Meanwhile, a 'digital makeline' portions up salads and bowls based on orders on the app.
The machines are part of an automation drive that Chipotle bosses hope will cut down the number of workers needed - slashing rising labor costs.
So, it is no surprise they are being put to use first in two of the Mexican chain's restaurants in California, the company announced on Monday.
Recent legislation raised the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20-an-hour in the state.
Chipotle's avocado processing robot has been moved from testing to restaurants
Chipotle's avocado processing robot has been moved from testing to restaurants
The controversial wage hike - $4 more than the minimum wage in the state for any other job - was introduced by California Governor Gavin Newsom at chains with more than 60 locations in the US, and came into effect on April 1.
Chains including Burger King have already ramped up the roll out of digital ordering kiosks to cut the number of cashiers needed in Californian restaurants.
It is not yet clear how the production costs of using Chipotle's new machines compares to human labor when making Chipotle menu items.
It is also not yet apparent how many items the digital assembly line can make per hour compared to staff. However, Chipotle argued that using the machines was not just about 'efficiencies' but also about the consistency of its menu items. . .


Well-known member
If the government actually cared about the low income part of the population, instead of raising the minimum wage, which in effect raises the costs of everything, they would reduce or completely eliminate income tax on those earning minimum wage. But people like to think it’s a great idea to raise the wages, in reality that helps no one.