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Everyone working on their taxes?

Bump. It's tax season again.
I've been using TurboTax for decades. With their import function for W2's, 1099's... directly from financial institutions, doing taxes is now a breeze.
Much easier for us now that we just take the standard deduction. I used to spend hours entering all our exemptions/deductions just to find out that the standard deduction is better.
I watched my quarterly submission closely. I'm close to zero so I'm taking my time. I haven't even downloaded this year's software yet.
Yea baby!!! Except for mailing 3 returns out, I'm done with personal taxes. I did 9 returns (fed, state, local) for me and the Mrs as well as the kids.

My wife manages a supplemental needs trust for a disabled relative. I may do the taxes on that but most of the tax forms don't come in until the end of February. Our accountant has been doing this one for years but I've been using TurboTax on my own for the last couple years to see if things match. They do, within $20 so why pay the accountant $500+ each year?
Did get them done last month. Tried to audit me in September and hired a lawyer to fight this, they screwed up and said I did. Good thing was this lawyer knew what he was doing. His paralegals found mistakes galore they did.
Met with my accountant today. Last time I used turbo tax is cost me. I interpited a rule in my favor, IRS did not agree. I got the bill for my mistake at the most inopportune time, vacation time the following summer.
It's the same as it's been for every year since I came to the States in 1985 ... my wife does the taxes. She knows how I used to do my taxes in the UK and says she refuses to go to prison by letting me anywhere near our US taxes. To me that's a helluva deal. Have at it kid.
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I believe that I haven't done my taxes since we got married.
Crumpy is an accountant. She doesn't trust me with money or anything sharp.
She gets to do the taxes.
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