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I have a 1744 Detroit diesel 453 looking at putting a hot box is the pro heat better or is the webasto ? or is there any other models that are better .
also looking for oem tucker emblems I ll try and post picks but not good with it
thanks Aj

Blackfoot Tucker

Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter

As far as I know emblems like these (1980 vintage) are not available from Tucker. A few years later they changed the finish from black and white to a metal looking finish, but those aren't available either. (Well, they weren't when I asked.)


I asked a company that does 3D printing about making some and sent them that picture. It's doable, but surprisingly expensive.


Active member
..... Tucker had alum. Or black powder coat...9" x 3" ..."Tucker" emblems...for 15.00 each. Not blueish/white...but cool ....fyi...



Aren't you using this machine for cabin access?? I would LOVE some videos/pics of you putting that thing to use this winter!!

Yes iam I ll try n post some videos !! It’s absolutely amazing ! I ve used her to do remote solar system installs and cabin refurbishing !!!

The Sweet Wbj1

Active member
GOLD Site Supporter
That would be awesome! I am stuck in GA with no snow or Tucker! I'd love to see solar system stuff as well. I installed a system at our cabin in CO.


I just finished a 5 kW system with a 5kw wind turbine and I had to have a 15 kW diesel generator flown in by helicopter just put it all on line last Friday I lol try n get picks of that !! Solar is the way of the future !! I ve been in the business for 20 plus yrs ! I do all the programming and customizing the parameters to suit the clients needs . I be worked with all manufactures but the best is xantrex !!! I even have this system at my camp !! We're just starting to get snow here !! I d like to see pics of your cabin and it's set up ! Cheers


Well-known member
SUPER Site Supporter
I put 1300 watts on top of my bus, keeps the seven batteries charged while it sleeps away the winter up here at 48 degrees insolation.


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MNoutdoors RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
I love solar , three campers have solar, three cabins have solar, nothing extreme
Just enough to keep everything charged for backup.

The blue radio controlled fork truck was built for a wind turbine blade manufacturing. so that they could get the large Turbine blades around corners at the factory. Lift capacity 15,000 pounds,gas engine hydraulic steering,and drive.
Fork lift on one end and this on the other

Tried to load a video to large


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