• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

new example of irony


Site Supporter
Over labor day weekend I got into some poison ivy.
Went to the doctor for some steroids to help get over it.
ran out of the steroid cream 2 days before I ran out of the oral taper.
bought some calagel to stop the itching - says on the tube it's helps with poison ivy, right?
the day after I finished up the oral steroids, a new rash of painful blisters showed up on the palms of my hands and then my whole body broke out.
Back to the doctor, now I'm on a 9 day prednisone taper and some heavy antivirals.
woke up this morning and the rash has spread all the way up my arms and all the way from knee to feet.
Read the tube of calagel this morning and guess what one of the possible side effects is?

yup. bad rash.

I didn't use any so far today and the rash on my arms is fading.
guess I'm allergic to the allergy cream.


Makes me itch just thinking about it.
Pirates don't get poison Ivy?


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Sounds horrible Erik.
Hope things clear up quick now.
Cheers :beer:


Site Supporter
wife spent yesterday and today walking around the office telling everyone that I'm "diseased"

I've been taking 50mg of benadryl every 4 hours and it helps control the itch, but it's still not fun.
I'll be very happy if this clears up in another day or 2 =- otherwise I may not have any skin left from scratching...
This may be on par with the case of chicken pox I had as a child...